Lost opportunity

Well, it has been a while since I posted.  Ok, so now that you are thinking that that is the understatement of the year, I can move on.  Yeah, it has been a while.

While it has been some time since my last post, one thing that has not changed is my addiction to Starbucks.  I would not consider myself a heavy user, but I am sure some would.  I usually have at least one a day, most days two, and some days more.  Which means I hang out a lot in at Starbucks.  While I am waiting for my drink, I am a captive audience, and Starbucks takes good advantage of the opportunity.  They have small signs, large banners, and posters all trying to tempt me to try something new.   While most of the time I simply ignore their pitch, their newest promotion got me thinking.   The poster was promoting their new lunch sandwiches, and it got me thinking about the amount of money that a company puts into promoting new products, not to mention their brand.    A company can spend huge amounts of money, but if they are not on top of their game every day and they screw up, it does not matter how much they spend.   They will have lost the opportunity forever.  Yes, I am referring to my previous post on Starbucks.  (You can find it here).

Four years later I still can not get the picture out of my head.  So while Starbucks has expanded into offering breakfast sandwiches and soon lunch, I will never try one.  I can not even get myself to try the free samples they give away at times.  It is important to be on top of your game every day as a negative customer experience can have a lasting effect long into the future.  Hopefully, it will not be long into the future before the next post.


